
Imagine SPLAX Action Plugin Overview


This plugin, for Autoplay Media Studio 8, allows the user to display one or
more splash images in AMS. There are several modes you can use for this.

  • Timeout
    While not locking the application, show the image for xx milliseconds.
  • Wait
    This will lock the application and show the image for xx milliseconds. The application continues when the image disappears.
  • Until Stop
    This simply shows the image until you manually stop it. Stopping can be done using SPLAX.Stop. If you allow skipping, it will stop when the user clicks the image.
Some extra's are available in this plugin. For example, you can allow the user to skip the image by clicking on it. One click is enough, however your application will not be notified of the image disappearing. You can check for it's visibility by using SPLAX.IsVisible.

You can also pass a URL (there are restrictions on the allowed URL formats) to be opened when the user clicks the image. This will not override the Skip setting, so when Skip is enabled and you have used an URL, it will both open the URL and close the image. A tooltip will appear on the image when an URL was used, to indicate where the user will be directed to.

The image supports BMP and PNG images, the PNG images may have any format:
  • 24 bits
  • 32 bits
  • 32 bits + alpha
  • anything.
The alpha-channel in images will be visible.

self-hosted tracking/analytics pixel without sharing your data to other parties.


Filename Version / Changelog  
SPLAX-action-plugin- Tue 21 Dec 2010, version x Download

Additional Information

A full documentation has been included in the Zipfile, read it well before trying
things out.

Compatibility Information

This plugin only works with Autoplay Media Studio 8.0. Furthermore this plugin works on all x86 and x64 systems with an OS later than Windows 2000


  • SPLAX.New
  • SPLAX.Show
  • SPLAX.Stop
  • SPLAX.IsVisible
  • SPLAX.Free
  • SPLAX.SetImage